2010 When the World Breaks
1993 The Halloween Tree
1985 The Fantasy Film Worlds of George Pal
1981 Rich and Famous


2018 451 stupňů Fahrenheita
2005 A Sound of Thunder
1998 The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit
1997 Vino iz oduvanchikov
1993 The Halloween Tree
1989 Malý Nemo
1983 Something Wicked This Way Comes
1982 The Electric Grandmother
 All Summer in a Day
1972 The Screaming Woman
1969 The Illustrated Man
1966 451 stupňů Fahrenheita
1962 Icarus Montgolfier Wright
1961 Král králů
1956 Bílá velryba
1955 Alfred Hitchcock Presents
1953 Návštěva z vesmíru
 The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms