Režisér druhé americké předělávky Gareth Edwards nechce proti sobě nikoho poštvat, a tak ke kultu přistupuje uctivě. Patrné je to z prvního uniklého návrhu podoby, který by měl odpovídat výslednému a který můžete vidět nalevo od tohoto textu. Rozhodnutí je to rozumné, protože se Japonsko ukázalo jako silný zahraniční trh, který tržbami z kin může zachránit na domácím trhu v podstatě neúspěšný titul, který ale spíše cílí na poučené asijské diváky. Řeč je samozřejmě o Pacific Rim - Útok na Zemi.
V Godzille pro rok 2014 by se v jedné z hlavních rolí měl objevit Aaron Taylor-Johnson. K němu se přidají japonské hvězdy jako Yuki Morita, Akira Takarada či Ken Watanabe, které by měly přitáhnout asijské publikum. V dalších rolích se objeví i David Strathairn a Juliette Binoche, kteří by spolu se jménem režiséra mohli zaujmout spíše klubovější diváky. Edwards před Godzillou režíroval indie počin Monsters, ve kterém šlo nejprve o vztahy mezi postavami, poté o významový přesah v podobě imigranství a až úplně nakonec o titulní příšery. Jedním ze scenáristů byl i Frank Darabont, který k americké tradici monster filmů sám jako režisér přidal pozoruhodný příspěvek Mlha.
Studio Warner Bros., které snímek produkuje, obrázek z internetových stránek stahuje, a tak si ho pořádně prohlédněte, než dojde i na nás.
“An epic rebirth to Toho’s iconic Godzilla, this spectacular adventure pits the world’s most famous monster against malevolent creatures who, bolstered by humanity’s scientific arrogance, threaten our very existence.“Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Richard T. Jones, Elizabeth Olsen, Bryan Cranston, David Strathairn, Patrick Sabongui, Yuki Morita, Brian Markinson, Juliette Binoche, Akira Takarada, Victor Rasuk, C.J. Adams, and Ken Watanabe star. Gareth Edwards is directing the film from a screenplay by Max Borenstein, Frank Darabont, and Dave Callaham. Legendary’s Thomas Tull and Jon Jashni are producing with Mary Parent and Brian Rogers. Alex Garcia and Patricia Whitcher are serving as executive producers alongside Yoshimitsu Banno and Kenji Okuhira. - See more at: http://www.joblo.com/horror-movies/news/godzilla-revealed-see-what-the-king-of-the-monsters-looks-like-in-gareth-edwards-godzilla#sthash.EViiGfqS.dpuf
“An epic rebirth to Toho’s iconic Godzilla, this spectacular adventure pits the world’s most famous monster against malevolent creatures who, bolstered by humanity’s scientific arrogance, threaten our very existence.“Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Richard T. Jones, Elizabeth Olsen, Bryan Cranston, David Strathairn, Patrick Sabongui, Yuki Morita, Brian Markinson, Juliette Binoche, Akira Takarada, Victor Rasuk, C.J. Adams, and Ken Watanabe star. Gareth Edwards is directing the film from a screenplay by Max Borenstein, Frank Darabont, and Dave Callaham. Legendary’s Thomas Tull and Jon Jashni are producing with Mary Parent and Brian Rogers. Alex Garcia and Patricia Whitcher are serving as executive producers alongside Yoshimitsu Banno and Kenji Okuhira. - See more at: http://www.joblo.com/horror-movies/news/godzilla-revealed-see-what-the-king-of-the-monsters-looks-like-in-gareth-edwards-godzilla#sthash.EViiGfqS.dpuf
“An epic rebirth to Toho’s iconic Godzilla, this spectacular adventure pits the world’s most famous monster against malevolent creatures who, bolstered by humanity’s scientific arrogance, threaten our very existence.“Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Richard T. Jones, Elizabeth Olsen, Bryan Cranston, David Strathairn, Patrick Sabongui, Yuki Morita, Brian Markinson, Juliette Binoche, Akira Takarada, Victor Rasuk, C.J. Adams, and Ken Watanabe star. Gareth Edwards is directing the film from a screenplay by Max Borenstein, Frank Darabont, and Dave Callaham. Legendary’s Thomas Tull and Jon Jashni are producing with Mary Parent and Brian Rogers. Alex Garcia and Patricia Whitcher are serving as executive producers alongside Yoshimitsu Banno and Kenji Okuhira. - See more at: http://www.joblo.com/horror-movies/news/godzilla-revealed-see-what-the-king-of-the-monsters-looks-like-in-gareth-edwards-godzilla#sthash.EViiGfqS.dpuf
“An epic rebirth to Toho’s iconic Godzilla, this spectacular adventure pits the world’s most famous monster against malevolent creatures who, bolstered by humanity’s scientific arrogance, threaten our very existence.“Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Richard T. Jones, Elizabeth Olsen, Bryan Cranston, David Strathairn, Patrick Sabongui, Yuki Morita, Brian Markinson, Juliette Binoche, Akira Takarada, Victor Rasuk, C.J. Adams, and Ken Watanabe star. Gareth Edwards is directing the film from a screenplay by Max Borenstein, Frank Darabont, and Dave Callaham. Legendary’s Thomas Tull and Jon Jashni are producing with Mary Parent and Brian Rogers. Alex Garcia and Patricia Whitcher are serving as executive producers alongside Yoshimitsu Banno and Kenji Okuhira. - See more at: http://www.joblo.com/horror-movies/news/godzilla-revealed-see-what-the-king-of-the-monsters-looks-like-in-gareth-edwards-godzilla#sthash.EViiGfqS.dpuf
“An epic rebirth to Toho’s iconic Godzilla, this spectacular adventure pits the world’s most famous monster against malevolent creatures who, bolstered by humanity’s scientific arrogance, threaten our very existence.“Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Richard T. Jones, Elizabeth Olsen, Bryan Cranston, David Strathairn, Patrick Sabongui, Yuki Morita, Brian Markinson, Juliette Binoche, Akira Takarada, Victor Rasuk, C.J. Adams, and Ken Watanabe star. Gareth Edwards is directing the film from a screenplay by Max Borenstein, Frank Darabont, and Dave Callaham. Legendary’s Thomas Tull and Jon Jashni are producing with Mary Parent and Brian Rogers. Alex Garcia and Patricia Whitcher are serving as executive producers alongside Yoshimitsu Banno and Kenji Okuhira. - See more at: http://www.joblo.com/horror-movies/news/godzilla-revealed-see-what-the-king-of-the-monsters-looks-like-in-gareth-edwards-godzilla#sthash.EViiGfqS.dpuf
“An epic rebirth to Toho’s iconic Godzilla, this spectacular adventure pits the world’s most famous monster against malevolent creatures who, bolstered by humanity’s scientific arrogance, threaten our very existence.“Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Richard T. Jones, Elizabeth Olsen, Bryan Cranston, David Strathairn, Patrick Sabongui, Yuki Morita, Brian Markinson, Juliette Binoche, Akira Takarada, Victor Rasuk, C.J. Adams, and Ken Watanabe star. Gareth Edwards is directing the film from a screenplay by Max Borenstein, Frank Darabont, and Dave Callaham. Legendary’s Thomas Tull and Jon Jashni are producing with Mary Parent and Brian Rogers. Alex Garcia and Patricia Whitcher are serving as executive producers alongside Yoshimitsu Banno and Kenji Okuhira. - See more at: http://www.joblo.com/horror-movies/news/godzilla-revealed-see-what-the-king-of-the-monsters-looks-like-in-gareth-edwards-godzilla#sthash.EViiGfqS.dpu