Tex Terry


1961 Posse from Hell
1959 The Oregon Trail
1958 The Badlanders
1957 Duel at Apache Wells
1955 Gunsmoke
1954 Man with the Steel Whip
1953 Pack Train
1952 Colorado Sundown
 Woman of the North Country
 Thundering Caravans
1951 Heart of the Rockies
 Oh! Susanna
 Don Daredevil Rides Again
1950 Trigger, Jr.
 Frisco Tornado
 Stars in My Crown
 Rock Island Trail
 Covered Wagon Raid
 California Passage
 Beyond the Purple Hills
1949 The Last Bandit
1948 The Gallant Legion
 Return of the Bad Men
1947 Jesse James Rides Again
 Son of Zorro
 Spoilers of the North
 Twilight on the Rio Grande
1946 Plainsman and the Lady
 The El Paso Kid
 Sioux City Sue
 Red River Renegades
1945 Sunset in El Dorado
 Rough Riders of Cheyenne
 Along the Navajo Trail
1944 Firebrands of Arizona
1942 Valley of Hunted Men
 Outlaws of Pine Ridge
1941 Rawhide Rangers
1940 Boss of Bullion City