Sydney Ayres

Sydney Ayres

Narozen(a): 28.08.1879 (New York City)
Zemřel(a): 09.09.1916 [37] (Oakland)


1914 At the Potter's Wheel
 Destinies Fulfilled
 The Certainty of Man
 The Son of Thomas Gray
 True Western Hearts
 The Coming of the Padres
 The Widow's Investment
 David Gray's Estate
 The Power of Light
 A Story of Little Italy
 The Story of the Olive
 The Navy Aviator
 A Blowout at Santa Banana
 The Call of the Traumerei
1913 The Rose of San Juan
 Personal Magnetism
 American Born
 Trapped in a Forest Fire


1914 Sweet and Low
 A Man's Way
 Their Worldly Goods
 Feast and Famine
 The Oath of Pierre
 His Faith in Humanity
 The Taming of Sunnybrook Nell
 The Story of the Olive
 Jail Birds
 The Navy Aviator
 Redbird Wins
 The Cocoon and the Butterfly
 In the Open
 The Cameo of the Yellowstone
 Does It End Right?
 Billy's Rival
 Nature's Touch
 Sir Galahad of Twilight


1914 Break, Break, Break
 Business Versus Love
1913 The Rose of San Juan