Stephen Roberts

Narozen(a): 23.11.1895 (Summersville)
Zemřel(a): 17.07.1936 [40] (Los Angeles)


2006 Nežádej svůj poslední tanec 2
1986 The Whoopee Boys
1983 Romantic Comedy
1971 Útěk z Planety opic
1968 The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band
1967 First to Fight
1965 Brainstorm
1964 The Quick Gun
1963 Bláznův deník
1961 Portrait of a Mobster
1959 The Wild and the Innocent
1958 The Brothers Karamazov
1957 Perry Mason
1956 Desatero přikázání
1955 The Court-Martial of Billy Mitchell
1954 Gog
1953 The Caddy
 Julius Caesar
 The Twonky
1952 On Dangerous Ground
 Glory Alley
 The Prisoner of Zenda
 The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima
1951 Roadblock
 The Great Missouri Raid
 Mask of the Avenger
 Iron Man
 The Racket
1950 The File on Thelma Jordon
 At War with the Army
 Where the Sidewalk Ends
1949 Criss Cross
 Samson a Dalila
1948 Johanka z Arku
1947 Polibek smrti
1943 The Song of Bernadette


1936 Černý pavouk
 The Lady Consents
1935 Star of Midnight
 Ve stínu mrakodrapů
 The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo
1934 The Trumpet Blows
1933 One Sunday Afternoon
 The Story of Temple Drake
1932 If I Had a Million
 Lady and Gent
1927 Listen Lena


2013 Pád Bílého domu
2012 Killing Them Softly
 Kurýr z podsvětí
 Zabít tiše
2011 Dylan Dog: Dead of Night
2010 Trust
 Game of Death
1989 Měsíční past