Pat Moran


2003 Hlava státu
1998 Divine Trash
1977 Desperate Living
1974 Female Trouble
1972 Pink Flamingos
1970 Multiple Maniacs
1969 Mondo Trasho
1966 Roman Candles
1964 The Unsinkable Molly Brown
1963 Move Over, Darling
1962 Ptáčník z Alcatrazu
1961 The Second Time Around
1958 Houseboat
1957 Perry Mason
 Divoký klaun
 Neskutečný život Bustera Keatona
 Beau James
1956 Desatero přikázání
1953 Off Limits
 Here Come the Girls
1951 My Favorite Spy
 The Lemon Drop Kid
 I Love Lucy
1950 Kill the Umpire
1949 The Crime Doctor's Diary
1948 Trouble Makers
1947 Variety Girl
1946 Gallant Journey
1943 The Man from Down Under
1942 She's in the Army
1939 Rulers of the Sea
1937 Something to Sing About
 Artists & Models


2004 A Dirty Shame
2000 Šílený Cecil
1998 Pecker
1994 Šest vražd stačí, maminko!
1990 Cry-Baby
1988 Hairspray