Mickey Kuhn


1956 Away All Boats
1955 Poslední hranice
1951 On the Loose
 Tramvaj do stanice Touha
 That's My Boy
1950 Zlomený šíp
1949 Scene of the Crime
1948 Červená řeka
1947 Magic Town
1946 Three Little Girls in Blue
 The Searching Wind
 Podivná láska Marty Iversové
1945 Detektiv Dick Tracy
 Roughly Speaking
 A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
 This Love of Ours
1941 One Foot in Heaven
1940 Slightly Tempted
 I Want a Divorce
1939 Bad Little Angel
 When Tomorrow Comes
 Jih proti Severu
 King of the Underworld
1934 Change of Heart