Marjorie Main

Marjorie Main

Narozen(a): 24.02.1890 (Acton)
Zemřel(a): 10.04.1975 [85] (Los Angeles)


1965 The World of Abbott and Costello
1956 Přesvědčování po dobrém
1955 Ma and Pa Kettle at Waikiki
1954 Rose Marie
1953 Ma and Pa Kettle on Vacation
 The Long, Long Trailer
 Fast Company
1952 Kráska z New Yorku
 Ma and Pa Kettle at the Fair
1951 Ma and Pa Kettle Back on the Farm
 The Law and the Lady
 Mr. Imperium
 It's a Big Country
1950 Mrs. O'Malley and Mr. Malone
 Ma and Pa Kettle Go to Town
 Summer Stock
1949 Big Jack
 Ma and Pa Kettle
1948 Feudin', Fussin' and A-Fightin'
1947 The Wistful Widow of Wagon Gap
 The Egg and I
1946 The Harvey Girls
 Bad Bascomb
 The Show-Off
1945 Murder, He Says
1944 Potkáme se v St. Louis
 Gentle Annie
1943 Láska není hřích
 Johnny Come Lately
1942 We Were Dancing
 Tennessee Johnson
 The Bugle Sounds
 Jackass Mail
 The Affairs of Martha
1941 The Shepherd of the Hills
 Barnacle Bill
 Tvář ženy
 The Wild Man of Borneo
 Honky Tonk
 The Trial of Mary Dugan
1940 I Take This Woman
 Women Without Names
 The Captain Is a Lady
 Susan and God
 Dark Command
1939 The Angels Wash Their Faces
 Another Thin Man
 They Shall Have Music
 Lucky Night
1938 Prison Farm
 Under the Big Top
 Little Tough Guy
 Girls' School
 Tři kamarádi
 Příliš horké smlouvání
 Test Pilot
1937 V newyorském přístavu
 Stella Dallas
 The Shadow
 The Wrong Road
1932 Broken Lullaby

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