
Lon Chaney Jr.


1993 Plácek
1992 Tribulation 99: Alien Anomalies Under America
1985 Do noci
1982 Coming Soon
1971 The Female Bunch
 Dracula vs. Frankenstein
1968 Buckskin
 Spider Baby or, The Maddest Story Ever Told
1967 Burani v domě hrůzy
 Vítejte do Těžkých časů
 Gallery of Horror
1966 Johnny Reno
1965 Town Tamer
1964 Law of the Lawless
 Face of the Screaming Werewolf
 Stage to Thunder Rock
1963 Strašidelný palác
1961 The Devil's Messenger
1960 La casa del terror
1959 The Alligator People
1958 Útěk v řetězech
1957 The Cyclops
1956 Pardners
 Indestructible Man
 The Black Sleep
1955 Bojovník s indiány
 Ne jako cizinec
 I Died a Thousand Times
1954 Casanova's Big Night
 The Boy from Oklahoma
 The Black Pirates
1953 A Lion Is in the Streets
 Dobyvatelé sedmi moří
1952 Springfield Rifle
 Battles of Chief Pontiac
 The Black Castle
 Thief of Damascus
 V pravé poledne
1951 Inside Straight
 Behave Yourself!
 Flame of Araby
 The Bushwhackers
 Only the Valiant
 Bride of the Gorilla
1950 Captain China
 Once a Thief
1948 Albuquerque
 Abbott a Costello se setkávají s Frankensteinem
1947 My Favorite Brunette
1945 The Daltons Ride Again
 Here Come the Co-eds
 Strange Confession
 Pillow of Death
 The Frozen Ghost
 Drákulův dům
1944 Weird Woman
 The Mummy's Curse
 Jdi za chlapci
 Cobra Woman
 Frankensteinův hrad
 The Mummy's Ghost
 Dead Man's Eyes
 Ghost Catchers
1943 Frankenstein a vlkodlak
 Frontier Badmen
 Calling Dr. Death
 Crazy House
 What We Are Fighting For
 Draculův syn
1942 Eyes of the Underworld
 The Mummy's Tomb
 Overland Mail
 Frankensteinův duch
 North to the Klondike
1941 Riders of Death Valley
 Man Made Monster
 Too Many Blondes
 Billy the Kid
 Badlands of Dakota
 San Antonio Rose
1940 One Million B.C.
 North West Mounted Police
1939 Jesse James
 Union Pacific
 Frontier Marshal
 Of Mice and Men
 Charlie Chan in City in Darkness
1938 Passport Husband
 Mr. Moto's Gamble
 Happy Landing
 Kariéra s překážkami
 Road Demon
 Straight Place and Show
 Submarine Patrol
 Alexandrův Ragtime Band
1937 Born Reckless

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