Jay Eaton


1952 Carrie
1951 Painting the Clouds with Sunshine
1950 The Damned Don't Cry
 Mladík s trumpetou
 The Big Hangover
1949 The Fountainhead
 The Great Sinner
 Sorrowful Jones
1948 The Fuller Brush Man
 Romance on the High Seas
 The Babe Ruth Story
 Force of Evil
1947 The Unfaithful
 High Wall
 The Perils of Pauline
 The Gangster
 Daisy Kenyonová
 Something in the Wind
1946 Chlapec z Brooklynu
 The Blue Dahlia
 Hluboký spánek
 Easy to Wed
 A Stolen Life
 Meet Me on Broadway
 Her Kind of Man
1945 Lady on a Train
 Miluji tajemství
 Rapsodie v modrém
 It's in the Bag!
1944 Mr. Skeffington
1943 Government Girl
 Swing Fever
 Higher and Higher
1942 It Happened in Flatbush
 Velká ulice
 Seven Days' Leave
 Zuzanka v nesnázích
 Ahoj, lodi
 Stand by for Action
 That Other Woman
1941 Out of the Fog
 Free and Easy
 Love Crazy
 When Ladies Meet
 Cadet Girl
 A Yank in the R.A.F.
 Blondie in Society
1940 'Til We Meet Again
 The Lone Wolf Keeps a Date
 My Love Came Back
 The Golden Fleecing
 Sedm hříšníků
 Castle on the Hudson
 City for Conquest
 Blondie Plays Cupid
 Dance, Girl, Dance
1939 Blondie Brings Up Baby
 Blondie Meets the Boss
 Broadway Serenade
1938 Vzdušné zámky
1937 Wake Up and Live
 When's Your Birthday?
 On the Avenue
 Paid to Dance
 The Toast of New York
 Druhé líbánky
 Criminals of the Air
1936 To Mary - with Love
 The Golden Arrow
 Our Relations
 Under Your Spell
 Love Before Breakfast
 Děvče se špatnou pověstí
 Bullets or Ballots
 Velký Ziegfeld
 Piccadilly Jim
 Úžasná událost
 Big Brown Eyes
1935 Living on Velvet
 The Goose and the Gander
 Zlomené srdce
 Let's Live Tonight
 Symphony of Living
 Gold Diggers of 1935
 In Caliente
 The Gilded Lily
 Dante's Inferno
 Noc v opeře
 The Whole Town's Talking
1934 The Affairs of Cellini
 Kansas City Princess
 Forsaking All Others
 Elektrické křeslo
 Registered Nurse
 The Captain Hates the Sea
 Merry Wives of Reno