Ian Ogilvy

Ian Ogilvy

Narozen(a): 30.09.1943 [81] (Woking)


2009 My Life in Ruins
2007 After Midnight
1999 Horse Sense
1994 Puppet Master 5: The Final Chapter
1992 Smrt jí sluší
 Eddie Presley
1988 Maigret
1985 Anna Karenina
1984 To je vražda, napsala
1974 From Beyond the Grave
 The Gathering Storm
1973 -- And Now the Screaming Starts!
 No Sex Please: We're British
1970 Na Větrné hůrce
1968 Witchfinder General
1967 The Sorcerers
 The Day the Fish Came Out
1966 La sorella di Satana

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