Frank Leigh


1947 Green Dolphin Street
 The Beginning or the End
 The Hucksters
1946 Gilda
 Two Sisters from Boston
1945 Tonight and Every Night
1944 Ministerstvo strachu
1943 The Song of Bernadette
1942 Černá labuť
1938 The Lone Wolf in Paris
1937 Rekrut Willie Winkie
1936 Wives Never Know
 Lloyd's of London
1932 The Woman from Monte Carlo
 Rasputin and the Empress
1929 The Thirteenth Chair
1928 Prowlers of the Sea
1927 Soft Cushions
1926 The Flaming Forest
1924 The Hill Billy
1923 North of Hudson Bay
 The Gentleman from America
1919 Lord and Lady Algy