Elmo Lincoln

Elmo Lincoln

Narozen(a): 06.02.1889 (Rochester)
Zemřel(a): 27.06.1952 [63] (Los Angeles)


1952 Carrie
1951 Iron Man
 Hollywood Story
1949 Tarzan's Magic Fountain
1948 Tap Roots
1947 Dvojí život
1946 Badman's Territory
 Rolling Home
1945 Escape in the Fog
1944 The Story of Dr. Wassell
1942 Karibští piráti
 Tarzanovo dobrodružství v New Yorku
1939 The Hunchback of Notre Dame
 Wyoming Outlaw
 Union Pacific
 Zrada v džungli
1927 The King of the Jungle
1923 The Hunchback of Notre Dame
1922 Quincy Adams Sawyer
1921 The Adventures of Tarzan
1920 Elmo the Fearless
 The Flaming Disc
1919 Elmo, the Mighty
1918 The Greatest Thing in Life
 Tarzan of the Apes
 The Romance of Tarzan
 The Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin
1917 The Bad Boy
1916 Hoodoo Ann
 The Fatal Glass of Beer
1915 Buckshot John
 Zrození národa
 The Slave Girl
1914 Brute Force
 Princezna z Betulie
1913 The Battle at Elderbush Gulch