Donald Rumsfeld


2019 The Report
2018 12 hrdinů
2017 Sammy Davis, Jr., hvězda mnoha talentů
2013 The Unknown Known
2010 The Tillman Story
 9/11 State of Emergency
2009 Double Take
 The Shock Doctrine
2008 Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
 Kde se sakra skrývá Usáma Bin Ládin?
2007 Taxi to the Dark Side
 Ghosts of Abu Ghraib
 Larry Flynt: The Right to Be Left Alone
 Konec v nedohlednu
2006 ...So Goes the Nation
 Cesta na Guantanamo
 Shut Up & Sing
2005 Why We Fight
2004 Uncovered: The War on Iraq
 Control Room
 Fahrenheit 9/11
2002 Bowling for Columbine