Albert Zugsmith

Albert Zugsmith

Narozen(a): 24.04.1910 (Atlantic City)
Zemřel(a): 26.10.1993 [83] (Woodland Hills)


1972 The Thing with Two Heads
1964 Fanny Hill


1964 Fanny Hill
1962 Confessions of an Opium Eater
1960 Sex Kittens Go to College
 College Confidential
1954 Top Banana


1964 Fanny Hill
1962 Confessions of an Opium Eater
1960 Sex Kittens Go to College
 College Confidential
1959 The Beat Generation
 Girls Town
 The Big Operator
1958 High School Confidential!
 Dotek zla
1957 The Girl in the Kremlin
 The Tattered Dress
 Man in the Shadow
 The Tarnished Angels
 The Incredible Shrinking Man
1956 Star in the Dust
 Psané ve větru
 Red Sundown
1955 Female on the Beach
 The Square Jungle
1954 Top Banana
1953 Port Sinister
1952 Invasion USA
 Captive Women


1960 Sex Kittens Go to College
 College Confidential
1955 Female on the Beach