Dorothea Wolbert


1957 Funny Face
1956 Hot Blood
1951 I Love Lucy
 Three Husbands
1946 Crack-Up
1942 The Gay Sisters
1940 The Captain Is a Lady
 Abe Lincoln in Illinois
1939 Within the Law
 The Night of Nights
 12 měsíců na zkoušku
1938 Dramatic School
 Tři kamarádi
 The Arkansas Traveler
1937 The Emperor's Candlesticks
1936 Postal Inspector
 Byl jsem lynčován
1935 Paris in Spring
1934 Pestrý závoj
1933 Child of Manhattan
 Hallelujah I'm a Bum
 The Mayor of Hell
1932 The Expert
 Two Seconds
 The Beast of the City
1931 The Front Page
1928 Their Purple Moment
 Two Tars
 Anybody Here Seen Kelly?
1927 Snowbound
 The Battle of the Century
1926 Shivering Spooks
 Exit Smiling
1923 Larry v módním salónu
1921 Action
1919 Ring Up the Curtain
 The Marathon
 Swat the Crook
 Si, Senor
 Next Aisle Over
 Hustling for Health
 Jazz and Jailbirds
 Pistols for Breakfast
 I'm on My Way
 Ask Father
 On the Fire
 Off the Trolley
 Do You Love Your Wife?
 At the Old Stage Door
 The Dutiful Dub
 Young Mr. Jazz
 Hoot Mon!
1918 On the Jump
 Pipe the Whiskers
 Let's Go
 Beat It
 Sic 'Em, Towser
 Two-Gun Gussie
 The Tip
 Hey There
 Hear 'Em Rave
 Look Pleasant, Please
 Here Come the Girls
 Kicked Out
 Follow the Crowd
 The Non-Stop Kid
 No Place Like Jail
 The Lamb
 Fireman Save My Child
 A Gasoline Wedding
 It's a Wild Life
 Somewhere in Turkey
 Just Rambling Along
1917 Over the Fence
 Lonesome Luke's Lively Life
 Step Lively
 Love, Laughs and Lather
 By the Sad Sea Waves
 All Aboard
 We Never Sleep
 Lonesome Luke's Wild Women
 Lonesome Luke, Mechanic
 Lonesome Luke, Messenger
 Lonesome Luke, Lawyer
 From Laramie to London
 Luke Wins Ye Ladye Faire
 The Big Idea
 Lonesome Luke on Tin Can Alley
 Birds of a Feather
 Lonesome Luke's Honeymoon